Spinners Evening Rides 2022!

The sun is shining. It’s the Spring Equinox. Evenings are getting lighter. The clocks change next weekend, so let’s welcome Honiton Spinners evening rides 2022! Members will be sent an email with specific details, but as a warm-up, here’s what your committee has in store for you:

  1. Evening rides will be on Tuesdays and Thursdays starting on 29th March.
  2. Five pace groups, all starting from the old A30 layby at 6.30.
  3. Spinners Mile Challenge on Long Range Hill/Birdcage Hill on the fourth Thursday in each month April to September
  4. Spinners Loop Challenge on a six-mile local route on the second Thursday in each month April to September
  5. Spring family BBQ on 7th May near Cotleigh.
  6. Longer Sunday rides starting from places such as Exmoor, Dartmoor, the Somerset Levels.

The committee encourages you to download the Spond app, or website (ask John or Hannah if this is new to you) so details of club rides, sportives and contact details etc are available. Finally, membership is due on 1st April via the British Cycling website. You don’t need to be a member of BC. Ask Ben if you have any questions.

See you soon!
